462 Lorch Hall, 611 Tappan Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Huteng's thinking

My name is Huteng Dai (xu˨˩tʰəŋ˧˥ tai˥˨ 戴虎腾; meaning). I am a computational linguist and cognitive scientist. My research focuses on understanding how humans learn sound patterns from noisy, real-world data. I build interpretable models of phonological learning that are not only mathematically well-defined but also succeed on real-world corpora.

I am an assistant professor of computational linguistics and phonology at the University of Michigan. I completed my PhD at Rutgers Department of Linguistics with a certificate from Center for Cognitive Science. I'm a former member of Rutgers Computational Linguistics Lab and UCI Language Processing Group.

Research interests

(with links to introductory materials and resources I found useful)
Theoretical and methodological:
  • Language Acquisition
  • Formal Language Theory
  • Sequence models (especially in speech recognition)
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Psycholinguistic methods
  • Foundations of Machine Learning
  • Empirical:
  • Child-directed speech
  • Harmony (Vowel and Consonant)
  • Morphophonology
  • Tone and prosody
  • Low-resource corpora
  • Turkic and East Asian languages
  • Recent activities:
